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What’s at the top of your mind during your day? Maybe you’re concerned about meeting KPIs. Perhaps you’re thinking about the report you have to compile for the executive team. Or anticipating the next angry customer call that’s about to get escalated to you.

These details are important. But being a good manager is more than keeping up with your metrics and fielding calls. A good manager is also a coach. Your job requires you to be attentive to your team of agents. To be their cheerleader, ensure their success each day, and nurture their growth.

According to a report from Gartner, over 60% of customer service leaders believe that the main focus of 2024 should be improving productivity by enabling agents with technology. You can support your agent experience by giving your team the tools to do their jobs efficiently and effectively.

With a screen pop integration, you can do just that.

Read on to learn how screen pop empowers your agents to deliver high-quality customer service.

Call Center Management Call Back

First of All — What is a Screen Pop?

Screen pop is a nifty feature that displays relevant customer information on an agent’s screen when they make or receive a call.

A screen pop pulls customer data from your CRM and contact center software. Then, it populates that data on your agent’s screen. Agents then can see the caller’s name, contact info, previous interactions, purchase history, etc.

Agents can then use that intel to personalize interactions and resolve issues faster.

Here are 12 tips to help you boost agent productivity.

The Benefits of Improving Agent Productivity

More than anything, a screen pop improves your agent’s productivity. This leads to a few other perks like:

  • Reduced average handling time (AHT). When agents can access customer information and resolve issues more efficiently, interactions are shorter. And that reduces average handling time (AHT). A lower AHT means agents can handle more calls in a given period, which increases your contact center’s capacity.
  • Improved first call resolution (FCR). When agents are more productive, they’re better equipped to resolve customer issues during the first interaction. Higher FCR rates reduce the need for follow-up calls. And with a higher FCR, your customers will be happier, and you’ll reduce operational costs.
  • Higher customer satisfaction (CSAT). Efficient and knowledgeable agents are more productive. They provide faster and more accurate help, which supports a better customer experience. When you boost your quality of service, your CSAT will follow (I promise!).
  • Lower agent turnover. Productivity and employee engagement are closely linked. Empowering your agents to be more productive will make them less stressed. Less stress boosts engagement and satisfaction. And more satisfied agents lead to lower turnover rates. And that, in turn, creates better team morale, more institutional knowledge, and serious cost savings on things like recruiting, hiring, and training new agents.
  • Better cost efficiency. Enhanced productivity means agents can handle more tasks and resolve issues faster. This cuts down on the need for extra staffing, lowering operational costs. By optimizing your resources and agent time, you improve cost efficiency too.

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5 Ways Screen Pop Helps Your Agent Productivity

A screen pop feature can go a long way to improve agent productivity. Here are some specific ways it can help.

1. It Supports an Omnichannel Experience

Screen pop technology integrates with different communication channels. So, it doesn’t matter which channels a customer has used in the past — the historical data is still available. When agents receive a call, a screen pop provides them with the customer’s complete history across all channels.

This unified view lets agents offer consistent and informed responses. And they spend less time gathering information from different sources, improving their productivity. This, in turn, gives customers a seamless experience with your service.

2. It Helps You Personalize Customer Experiences

Screen pops provide agents with detailed customer information so they can tailor their responses with notes from past interactions and access to each customer’s purchase history. Using screen pop info lets agents add personal touches that delight customers (and improve CSAT). Plus, it makes each interaction specific and efficient, which boosts productivity.

3. It Fosters Streamlined Agent Experiences

Screen pops eliminate the need to manually search for data during a call. Because the info they need is right on their screen, it takes fewer steps to assist customers. This gives them more freedom and space to focus on the customer’s problem instead of wasting time and energy searching for data. This reduces handle time and improves productivity.

4. It Increases Customer Insights

Screen pops give agents a full picture of each customer. They get information like real-time analytics and insights into customer behavior and preferences. Agents can use this intel to better understand customer needs and anticipate potential issues to come. Then, agents can handle calls more effectively and reach resolutions faster.

5. It Improves Service Quality

Screen pop is a great way to improve internal communications and collaboration and reduce inaccuracies and communication mix-ups. By consolidating data and sharing it via screen pops, agents can gain a source of truth about a customer’s history. Plus, most screen pop technology integrates with CRMs, ensuring fewer miscommunications between your team and customers. Trust me, your customers and agents will thank you.

Learn about some of the ways AI can improve agent productivity in this blog post.

The Top 3 Screen Pop CRMs/Providers to Consider

1. Salesforce

Salesforce is one of the leading CRMs in the market. Known for its extensive features and scalability, Salesforce provides a suite of tools for sales, marketing, and more. Salesforce has robust integration capabilities that ensure screen pops provide real-time customer data, enhancing agents’ ability to deliver quick and personalized service.

2. HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM is known for its ease of use and comprehensive suite of tools. Their screen pop feature integrates with various communication channels, providing a unified view of customer interactions and facilitating faster and more personalized service.

3. Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is a robust and versatile platform offering various features, including sales and marketing automation and customer support tools. Zoho CRM integrates with various platforms (like ours) and different communication channels, ensuring screen pops provide comprehensive customer data across all touchpoints.

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